Hey September

Hey September, it’s me, Case.

Oh, September. You came right in swinging and landed a few solid punches over your days. If it was a contest, I’d say this one went to you. Its not a contest because you are a month of the year and that is ridiculous. But if it was…

I’m sitting here with my cup of tea looking at the wake you left behind and trying to sort out the logical patterns of what this means for me, as I always do. A wake of coffee sleeves (or paper zarfs, which I learned is a fancier name for “coffee sleeve”- as if coffee people needed another thing to be pretentious about) and job applications and syllabi and new faces and new streets and old names. A dose of sunny days and Instagram worthy nights as well as some dark afternoons and lonely phone calls. September didn’t follow protocol.

September, you brought a lot more questions than answers. You brought a lot of doubts. And I don’t know if you got the memo of neatly laid out expectations I had for you, but you didn’t follow the drill. At all.

And now you’ve done your duty and are busy folding yourself back into the pages of the calendar till next time around, and I’m left here wondering what this means for me.

You humbled me, September, but I guess I don’t have to consider that a win for you. I think that expectations can more often than not lead right up to the front door of disappointment. And although you ditched me right in front of the doorbell, September, I don’t want to stay here.

I can use metaphors for years and could write a book to vaguely describe what this month has been. I guess all I’m really trying to say is: September- I’m still learning. And I’m learning that there is grace for that.

Next year we should try to be on the same team. Until then, hold tight to your school supplies and winds of change and save a few of those sunny days for me when I see you again.

Till next time — Case


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